The library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day.

Your Library Card

Use the drop-down menu for information about library cards and borrowing privileges.

Visit the circulation desk at the library, and depending on your age, bring the following documentation:
Adults, 18+ years: Bring a picture ID and proof of your current address.
Teens, 16+: Bring a picture ID.
Teens, 12-15: No ID required.
Children, 3-11: Bring a parent or guardian (with their ID or library card).
You will fill out a library card application and be issued a card.

If you need access to digital content immediately, you can sign up for an eCard today!
You can borrow almost anything at the library! You also have access to online databases, eBooks, eAudio and eMagazines, free music and movies and much more!
Login here...
To see: Checked out items, Overdues, Requests, Fines owed, Your lists, History of checked out items, History of holds

Tips for using your library card:
When your library card is issued, your PIN/Password defaults to the last four digits of the phone number you gave on your card application. You will need this to log in to your online account.

Change Your PIN/Password:
You can change your PIN by navigating to "Account Preferences" -> "Personal Information".

Overdue Fines:
The Northborough Free Library does not charge daily overdue fines. If you request books from other libraries, you are subject to their fines, however.

Most items have one renewal that occurs automatically if the item isn't returned on or before its initial due date. You can manually renew if desired.

Placing Requests (Holds):
Learn how to get items that are checked out or available at other libraries: Books + movies + music + audiobooks + more! Please note that the network limits you to 20 Holds pending at one time.

The library uses your email address only to send notices to alert you: When a requested item (Hold) has arrived, when an item will be due in 2 days, or when an item is 2 weeks overdue. If you'd like to receive the library newsletter, we maintain a separate email list. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Changing your Email:
Login, then click on the "Account Preferences" tab. Under the "Personal Information" sub-tab, you should see the option to change your email address.

Error Messages:
When requesting an item, "See a librarian," usually means that the library simply needs to update your information. This cannot be done by email; please call Circulation at 508-393-5025, x.1.
Your PIN defaults to the last 4 digits of the phone number we have on file for you. If that is not working, call the Circulation desk at (508) 393-5025 x.1 to have library staff reset your PIN.
You cannot place holds, borrow items or use databases if your library account is blocked.

Why your card may not work:

A) Your card is expired. You must renew your card in person or by phone. We will check that your address, phone, and email address are correct. Your card will be renewed for another 2 years.

B) You have a library item that is more than 28 days late. You must return the item before you can use your card.

C) You owe $10 or more in late fees. You must pay enough of the fees to take your balance below $10, before you can use your card.

Call the Circulation desk at (508) 393-5025 x.1 to identify and resolve issues with your library account.
You may borrow up to 50 items at one time. At the Northborough Free Library, most items have a 3-week loan period and may be renewed once for 3 more weeks. Other items have a 7-day loan period and maybe renewed once for 7 more days. Exceptions: You cannot renew an item if someone else is waiting for it or if the item is more than 3 weeks late.
  Loan Periods for Common Items
Type of Material      Loan Period      Limit per Card  
   All items combined              50
   Books      3 weeks             --
   Audiobooks      3 weeks            20
   Music CDs      3 weeks            20
   Puzzles      3 weeks            --
   DVDs      7 days            10
   Magazines      7 days             --
   Videogames      7 days             5

The Northborough Free Library does not charge daily fines on our own items, but if you request books from other libraries, you are subject to their lending policies and may end up accruing fines from their items.
If you damage or lose an item, you must pay for a replacement. Sometimes we allow you to buy a replacement copy at a store, but you MUST have permission to do so first. Please contact the Checkout Desk if you have questions, and we will refer you to the correct staff member.

The library is unable to refund money if you return a lost book for which you have already paid.
Yes! However, you must turn this feature on in your library account.

Your Reading History allows you to keep a list of the books that you've borrowed. For your privacy, the library doesn't keep records of the items you've returned. This list is confidential and accessible only to you. Your Reading History will begin only once you activate this feature:

Log in to your account, click the "Account Preferences" and then "Search and History Preferences" tabs, and check the box next to "Keep history of checked out items?" You can discontinue Your Reading History at any time by unchecking the box.

You can also keep track of the holds that you've placed by clicking the "Account Preferences" and then "Search and History Preferences" tabs and checking the box next to "Keep history of holds?"