Research and Learning

The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and Massachusetts Library System provide statewide access to a wide variety of research and learning databases.

Northborough Free Library

The following databases are available only to users with a Northborough Free Library card:

Access World News Research Collection

logo for access world newsAccess World News Research Collection (2024 Edition): Explore and stay informed on local, national, and international topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources from around the world to around the corner.


Asian Life in Americalogo for asian life in america

Asian Life in America by Newsbank focuses on the experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the news media.


Ancestry Library EditionAncestry Library Edition

Ancestry Library Edition contains thousands of family history databases, including vital records, census records, ship passenger lists, military records, and lots more!

Available for use only at the library.


Black Life in Americalogo for black life in america

Black Life in America by Newsbank focuses on the experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.


Boston Globe (Library Database)logo for the boston globe

The Boston Globe (Library Database) includes detailed indexing that helps users quickly find the news information they need. Each issue is indexed thoroughly, so they have access to not only top news stories but also the information contained on the various sections of the paper. The indexing covers not only complete bibliographic information but also companies, people, products, etc. This database is available for free through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.

Coverage: 1980 - current.

Boston Metro Collection

Boston Metro CollectionBoston Metro Collection from Newsbank provides full text and selected coverage from over 95 local eastern Massachusetts newspapers from Abington to Worcester including Metrowest Daily News, Shrewsbury Chronicle,  Northborough-Southborough Villager, Worcester Telegram & Gazette, and more.

Career OutlookCareer Outlook

Career Outlook by the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides data and information on a variety of topics—including occupations and industries, pay and benefits, and more. These articles are helpful for students, career counselors, jobseekers, and others planning careers.

Consumer ReportsConsumer Reports

Consumer Reports offers product reviews and ratings on cars, electronics, appliances,  and more.

Available for use only at the library.

Hispanic Life in Americalogo of hispanic life in america

Hispanic Life in American focuses on the experience and impact of Hispanic Americans  as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today.


Learning Express

Learning ExpressLearning Express is the ultimate one-stop shop for test preparation and skill building featuring hundreds of  online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science, career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, TOEIC® test prep, and more.


LinkedIn LearningLinkedIn Learning is here to help you! | The Skills Centre

LinkedIn Learning provides 24/7, unlimited access to over 16,000 business, design & tech courses taught by industry experts. This resource is free with your Northborough library card. 

Mango Languages

Rosetta StoneMango Languages is a fun, interactive language resource that prepares learners for realistic conversations and communication in over 70 world languages. Each lesson combines real life situations and audio from native speakers with simple, clear instructions. It also saves your place so you can pick up right where you left off! Mango is free to anyone with a Northborough Free Library card and can be accessed anywhere with an Internet connection. A mobile app is also available and can be downloaded through your device's app store.



NoveList Plus gives book recommendations for favorite authors, titles, and series. Search by title, plot, or writing style to find read-alikes. Find reading lists for popular genres and non-fiction, or browse reviews and discussion guides.


Occupational Outlook Handbook

Occupational Outlook Handbook by the Bureau of Labor statistics allows people to browse careers by field, pay, required education and/or training, projected growth, and more.


Boston Public Library Resources

In addition to these databases, Massachusetts residents are eligible to use resources from the Boston Public Library. If you do not already have a BPL library card you can apply for an eCard. eCards expire after 2 years unless they are upgraded to standard BPL cards.

Visit BPL's website for more information and to sign up for an eCard.